Mikko Huotarin päiväkirja



Today I had two deadlines, so I didn't have time to use my camera more than this. In the evening I played chess with my son, Eino. It's funny because he is four years old and likes chess very much. He also likes Teletubbies.

Eino knows the rules of chess and he has some kind of tactics and strategy. Among the winning his goals are castling and pawn promotion. These manouvers make him a lot of pleasure. Yesterday he was forced to move his king before castling and that misfortune made him cry (because you can't make castling after moving the king). Today he made many sacrifices only to have his pawn promoted. And I mean many sacrifices.

I think chess is much more interesting than Teletubbies because he never cries when he's watching Teletubbies.

I try to play so that he can make very much castling and pawn promotions. I don't want him to be a serious chess player. I have seen one in a local pub.

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