Mikko Huotarin päiväkirja


Varaslähtö vappuun!

Tänään oltiin kevään ekalla piknikillä. Kerrassaan hieno ilma. Tuulikin oli lempeä.

Mukana oli myös Ilmari ja Sirke.




Koska tänään oli vapaapäivä, ehdimme pelata kokonaista kolme erää shakkia.

Eino pelaa shakkia


Angie Stone

Oltiin tekemässä juttua useampaan mediaan Angie Stonesta, joka esiintyi April Jazz -festareilla Espoossa.

Miikka lisurin jälkeen

Lutherin musiikin teologia oli aiheena.



Eino likes to paint and draw a lot. He also likes trains. So he draws and paints trains and railroads.

Our whole family likes trains, railroads, locomotives and diesel engines very much. We don't have a car.

Last summer we were on a trip by train, "Ukko-Pekka" engine (Hrl, 1009). It was very exciting. The next summer we are going to take that trip again.


The Strömberg Falls

This is not Niagara but it's 300 meters from our home. I like the sound of water. This waterfall is part of Mätäjoki (Rotten River). It's not rotten. Alongside the river there is very much different kinds of birds. Now there is black birds and ducks. In the summertime there is nightingales who sing in the evenings.

Our family was there breaking the law (I suppose). We were feeding ducks. It was banned because of bird influenza.


An elevator with a view

This fabulous but sad view is taken in Leppävaara. Vandalism has mutated into art.

Boxing Gloves

My daugther Lempi (one and a half years old) called me mom when we were eating dinner (without mom). I said I'm your dad. She said 'no, no, mom'. I said i'm not your mom, I'm your dad. 'No, no', she said. After a moment she said 'male-mom'.

Eli: Lempin kanssa oltiin syömässä ja hän (tapansa mukaan) kutsui mua äidiksi. Sanoin olevani isi. Lempi sanoi ei ei, äiti. Sanoin etten ole äiti vaan isi. Ei ei, Lempi sanoi. Hetken päästä hän sanoi: äiti-mies.

Eino's new tattoo

My son Eino is proud of his new tattoo. It says: "Be true to your Stihl". Stihl is a chainsaw, if you didn't know. Minna, a friend of us, gave us a few tattoos. Now we can't wash our hands or otherwise the tattoos will disappear.



Today I had two deadlines, so I didn't have time to use my camera more than this. In the evening I played chess with my son, Eino. It's funny because he is four years old and likes chess very much. He also likes Teletubbies.

Eino knows the rules of chess and he has some kind of tactics and strategy. Among the winning his goals are castling and pawn promotion. These manouvers make him a lot of pleasure. Yesterday he was forced to move his king before castling and that misfortune made him cry (because you can't make castling after moving the king). Today he made many sacrifices only to have his pawn promoted. And I mean many sacrifices.

I think chess is much more interesting than Teletubbies because he never cries when he's watching Teletubbies.

I try to play so that he can make very much castling and pawn promotions. I don't want him to be a serious chess player. I have seen one in a local pub.


It's very hard to find a good hat or cap from Finland. All those which are for sale are tasteless. I have tried to find this (see pic) kind of cap about twenty years. Perhaps it was a mafia movie by Robert De Niro or somenthing like that... anyway, this mission has been an obsession for me. I have had many caps which are almost like this but still they have been substitutes.

Finally I have found what I have been looking for. I bought this on Saturday. It was very expensive. It's pure silk. It's brand is Stetson. I never knew that Stetson is a brand. I thought that it was a general name for cowboy hats.



Ari and his family visited us today. We have had a lot of friends visiting us this weekend. It's a lot of pleasure.

I'm researching window light in this photo. Window light is so sophisticated. Ari sits in the corner of our living room, so there is two windows as light sources.



Jane Raven released their debut album

I was listening to this fabulous folk band Jane Raven. They released their debut album Circles today. A friend of mine plays guitar in this group. I used to work with him during the time I spent in the newspaper Taloussanomat. This is a photo of their singer Désirée.

Nää jotkut kuvat on ryyditetty englannin kielellä, koska kirjoitan juttuja englannin kielisille nettikamuille.


A Man and a hand

Today I bought a new Canon lens, 50/1.2. I have heard it is a great piece of glas but somekind of focus shift is very annoying. Ok, I thought that this is a perfect lens for me because I'm not good with strobos. That's why I took a chance and I bought it. The seller was nice because he allowed me to test the one he is selling. Although the testing inside the shop convinced me I had to continue testing outside the shop. So, I was shooting walls etc, and then this man appeared in front of me and waved his hand and started posing. I took three photos. We didn't talk to each other. And then he was gone.



Otettiin Lempin kanssa kuvia toisistamme. Tässä on mun ottama kuva. Olen yrittänyt viime aikoina tutkia valoa erityisen huolellisesti. Meidän pikkuisessa makuuhuoneessa on oikein hyvä valo pilvisellä säällä. Toi alla oleva kuva Einosta on otettu samassa paikassa, mutta eri taustalla. Vastaavan tunnelman loihtiminen studiovaloilla on aika hankalaa. Siihen kyllä pitäisi päästä.


Perheeni palmusunnuntaina


Ja Lempi.

Ja Kiikki.

Pelastusarmeijan mies

Olin Akateemisessa kirjakaupassa ja näin aulassa miehen ja hienon valon. Kysyin luvan kuvan ottamiseen mieheltä. Ehdin ottaa kaksi kuvaa, kun vartija tuli kyselemään lupia. Sanoin kysyneeni mieheltä. Vartija kysyi, onko Stockmannin johdolta kysytty. Sanoin ettei ole. Vartija sanoi ihan asiallisesti, että nyt ei enää voi ottaa kuvia. Olin jo saanut kuvani, joten lähdin tyytyväisenä lampsimaan. Sanoin Pelastusarmeijan miehelle kiitos ja hän sanoi minulle "oikein hyvää jatkoa".


Lempi ja Eino

Iltaohjelmia. Minä kokeilin kepin päässä olevaa salamaa ja otin kuvan.